Salt & Straw Opening — So Close We Can Taste It!
Our favorite Portland-based scoop shop, Salt & Straw, is coming to town! Known for their artisanal, chef-driven flavors, the family-run company will be opening two downtown San Francisco locations this year. Their first shop, located at 2201 Fillmore Street, will be opening in early April! Their second scoop shop opening (located on Hayes Street) will be announced later this spring. Salt & Straw plans to offer a variety of flavors that were created in collaboration with local Bay Area farmers and artisans. Be sure to follow them on social media @saltandstraw for the official opening details!
Vogue Asks: Are We Witnessing the Death of the 3-Course Meal?
by Candace MacDonald
Earlier this week Vogue published a story with this headline, and in our offices, we all shouted – yes! In fairness, we’ve been calling this trend in some form for the past several years. It started with the realization that millennials in general like this way of dining, then we realized that “vibe dining” was becoming a thing, and last year in our trend report we called out the rise of small plates and tapas. This year, we are seeing the “death of the 3-course meal” taking the form of guests wanting to “craft their own experience.”
As brand strategists, we’re always telling clients that you can’t be everything to everybody…. but today’s guest wants to be in control of how and when they experience what your restaurant has to offer. Restaurants are giving away a bit of control and saying YES more often. Which gives guests the ability to come in for one drink at the bar, have a few dishes to share at the table or make time for an extravagant dinner.
These concepts require careful staff training and a watchful eye on check average to maintain their profitability. Service training is as important, if not more, than cost control in the kitchen. Despite the fact that shareable is the new way to eat, every restaurant is doing this a little bit differently. So unlike the three-course meal that had some predictability to the ordering experience, your “shareable” restaurant might require that guests order 4 plates per person and another restaurant might require 6. Your servers’ ability to be tour guides will be critical to maintaining check average and will help ensure guests leave satisfied and feeling the value of your restaurant.
When They Start to Talk About a Bubble… It’s Time to Get Creative
We were so sorry to read about the closure of AQ, one of our favorite SF spots, covered recently by Thrillist . We know a lot of our colleagues are preparing for stormy weather ahead and are looking at new ways to deliver an incredible guest experience with less costs. As we said in this years AF&Co. trend report – it’s time to “Be Prepared.” But, call us eternal optimists, we don’t quite believe it’s all doom and gloom. These kinds of circumstances can bring out our most creative and collaborative solutions. In our report, we highlighted a few trends that we think are coming out of this pressure. We’ll keep you posted over the year. In the meantime here are few other ideas:
Share and Share Alike
Take a nod from Union Square Hospitality Group, their restaurants are sharing animals across kitchens to reduce labor from butchering and prep time. If you are a single restaurant, make some friends in the neighborhood.
It’s from Scratch….Just Not Made Here
Chefs have faced a lot of pressure to make everything in-house, and we love that they enjoy this challenge so much. However, when the labor becomes a major issue, it’s time to question how much value is truly added to the guest experience. Consider featuring high-quality ingredients from partners or even other restaurants. (Maybe trade your awesome ketchup for their famous mustard? Okay …we know…but you get the idea!)
Counter Service…at Least by Day?
We mentioned this in last years report, but we’re seeing many restaurants look at different service models at various times of the day. We also think limited menus and one-of-kind offerings could be worth exploring to create buzz and scarcity. (Want our awesome fried chicken sandwich?…gotta come on Tuesdays!)
Use Every Inch You’ve Got
We’re seeing a rise in creative ways to use flexible space to draw crowds (and boost revenues!) at all times of day. Restaurants are turning into markets and co-working spaces. We’re also seeing retail spaces entering into the restaurant realm with some notable acquisitions and openings. (Did you hear about the $26 Entrees at Barnes and Noble?)
Want more ideas? Check out our trend report here. Have a thought? Let us know at